Deadman Handle – Deadman Valve Handle
What is a Deadman Handle?
Deadman Handle is a handle on a machine having a small button on it that must be kept pressed down by the hand to continue contact so that if the operator is incapacitated contact is broken and the machine stops.
This is a must-have in any shop or factory and has a virtually endless list of possible applications. While they all perform the same task, there are different models available.
What is a Deadman Handle Valve?
A deadman valve forces someone to manually open the valve, and will automatically shut itself off when the handle is let go by spring action. Without the pressure against the spring, the handle will return to its original closed position. A deadman valve could also be referred to as a “spring return handle”.
Where to Buy Deadman Handle Valve
ZHENGQIU VALVE has the largest selection of deadman handle Ball Valves on the Internet Including self-closing ball valves and self-opening ball valves. The spring return handles automatically close or opens the valve when the operator releases the handle. This means the operator must hold the handle in the open position for the product to flow.
Most likely you need a ball valve with a deadman handle for more than one application on your line, in your shop, or in your manufacturing plant. We offered all sizes.